My Zone

- Rose
- +++ blogging for fun | No harms No hurt feeling | Its just my open diary and some personal thought and phase of life to be share +++ Do Love my Job , Fams, Peep and of course My Life!!! Im nothing without one of it..
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
++ Bintulu, aku rindu!!
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Last trip to Btu... penuh 1 kete ngn barang haku.. |
Walaupon dulu bibir kata.. Argghhh tak suka tak suka tiap kali nama tersenarai untuk outstation ke Bintulu.. tapi sekarang bila dikenang... aduhhh.. manis juga dalam kepahitan itu ya..
Jalannya yang sangat tenang, traffic is always clean and clear.. Pencemaran pon sgt kurang.. On the way to Hospital (office) sengaja melalui jalan di pesisiran pantai tanjung batu.. Indah nian!!!
Aku merindui pantainya yang indah bila pantulan cahaya matahari menyinari. (Kalau tak biasa2 je kot.. :p )
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Ni bilik kt Kemena Hotel.. tgk wall paper dia... :) |
Balik keje harus pukul 5 (kat sana office hour is 8 am - 5 pm), on the way back singgah menghirup angin petang di pesisir pantai sambil membeli makanan cucuk2 tu. (Tak tau ape nama). Nani's my fren suke beli bontot ayam cucuk2. Ahahaha (nak beli kne pilih2 stall, coz ade yg x halal punya.. And ada yg sgt tak bersih punya.. )
Favourite place for breakfast.. Kamil cafe dan kedai makan di hadapannya (lupa dah nama). Terasa macam semenanjung sikitla bila breakfast kat sini coz ada roti canai dan teh tarik..
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Mine is always roti telur + teh tarik |
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Fav Nani dan Sham... Aku haruslah tak reti makan benda2 separuh masak ni. |
1) Riverfront restaurant - Indonesian fried rice (Sebab ada satay kot, act xder la sedap sgt pon)
2) Mid Valley restaurant - jgn tak tau kat Bintulu ni ada mid valley.. My fav food here is Bihun goreng cangkuk manis. (kalau di semenanjung biasanya kita panggil cekur manis. sedap gak goreng ngan bihun)
3) After 3 or Angin bayu (my fren Vinod kasi nama) - Kat sini best lepak sbb terasa angin pantainya... kalu duduk kat luar leh terbang meja.. propa ja.. hikss.. Ok menu fav aku kat sini is Yeung chow fried rice.. nasi goreng yang penuh dengan udang kecik2. sedap gak bila makan ngn cili potong.. ohh ya.. di sini kalau order cili potong memang bermasalah.. selalu je tak ada.. pelikk..
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Indonesian Fried Rice - River front Restaurant |
Borong kek lapis sarawak juga wajib. Tapi.. Sejak krisis marjerin di sarawak melanda, aku mula berhati2 dan memilih tempat2 yg di yakini Halal sahaja. Yup, sudah pasti kedai kek dan roti yg bersebelahan ngn satu2 nya kedai mamak yg kami jumpa di bintulu - Famous mama. Eh, ada lg satu kedai mamak tp tak berapa nak mamak sbb mlm2 tak buka. Dia ni dr Penang katanya, kahwin dgn Sarawakian, ya bini mu mmg comeii pokcik. Actually kt KL/ Selangor pon dah ada tempat yang menjual kek lapis sarawak and kadang2 lagi sedap dari yang di beli di sana. kat Kajang ada satu..masa raya tahun lepas aku memborong kek lapis sarawak di sini -
Ah, banyakla tempat2 dan peristiwa yang sememangnya aku rindui.. Ya agak ya.. Dan banyak lagi.. panjang lak entry ni... Jenuh.... Entry ini adalah supaya aku terus mengingati tempat yang agak istimewa dalam hidup aku... sekarang pon dah banyak lupa..
Maka, bernafaslah dgn tenang dan tabah menghadapi liku2 jalan yg jem di KL ini.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
++ WW
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
++ Monday Blues
Chomot Banana Split made by Hubby... Even though the presentation is sucks but I really love it..because its made with full of LOVE.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Thursday, 12 April 2012
++ Pregnancy and back pain.... oh noooo
Recently i'm experiencing some achenes on my back.. Its so painful.. pffhhh.. My tummy also become very uncomfy. cant even sleep during night time. I found some tips from 'Baby Center' website which is very helpful.
What causes lower back pain in pregnancy?
Back pain is very common, as pregnancy hormones relax your joints, ligaments and muscles. And the weight you naturally gain in pregnancy can add to the problem. You may want to push your bump forwards, but this puts greater strain on your back.
Lower back pain is the most common type of back pain. But you may also feel discomfort in your upper back, shoulders, between your breasts, and in your ribcage. You may suffer from a sharp, shooting pain down one or both legs (sciatica). You may also feel pelvic pain (symphysis pubis dysfunction) at the front of your pelvis, where there is a joint between the bones.
Sitting or standing in one position for a long time may make your back pain worse. Pain in your tailbone (coccyx), caused by tiny fractures resulting from a fall or a previous difficult birth, can also flare up in pregnancy. Rest is the best treatment for this.
You may have had back, neck or pelvis problems before you conceived, which pregnancy has made worse. Old injuries may resurface, such as a fractured ankle or slipped disc, because your hormones affect your joints, muscles and ligaments.
Lower back pain is the most common type of back pain. But you may also feel discomfort in your upper back, shoulders, between your breasts, and in your ribcage. You may suffer from a sharp, shooting pain down one or both legs (sciatica). You may also feel pelvic pain (symphysis pubis dysfunction) at the front of your pelvis, where there is a joint between the bones.
Sitting or standing in one position for a long time may make your back pain worse. Pain in your tailbone (coccyx), caused by tiny fractures resulting from a fall or a previous difficult birth, can also flare up in pregnancy. Rest is the best treatment for this.
You may have had back, neck or pelvis problems before you conceived, which pregnancy has made worse. Old injuries may resurface, such as a fractured ankle or slipped disc, because your hormones affect your joints, muscles and ligaments.
How can I prevent lower back pain?
Try to use your body more efficiently. Stand up straight and tall, ensuring your chin isn't tilting upwards. Avoid standing for too long in one position. If your job involves standing for long periods, keep changing from one foot to the other, sit down when you can, and have a walk at lunchtime.
Use plenty of pillows in bed for support, keeping your thighs parallel. This prevents your top leg from twisting across your body into the recovery position while you sleep. To get out of bed, roll on to one side and push yourself up to a sitting position, then slowly stand up.
Rather than carrying heavy shopping, shop online, or ask a friend to help you. If you have a toddler, try not to carry her on one hip, as this puts a strain on your back.
Ask for help with housework, and ask a colleague to help if any tasks at work strain your back. Wear comfortable shoes with broad supporting heels and straps to prevent your feet from slipping about and your ankles from becoming twisted.
Wear the right size of supportive maternity bra. Make sure the straps are wide enough and the cups are big enough to avoid extra strain on your shoulders and ribcage.
At work, and when driving, consider a lumbar support for your chair. Try not to cross your legs, and check that the position of your computer screen and chair is correct. Try to move away from your desk regularly and get fresh air at lunchtime.
Use plenty of pillows in bed for support, keeping your thighs parallel. This prevents your top leg from twisting across your body into the recovery position while you sleep. To get out of bed, roll on to one side and push yourself up to a sitting position, then slowly stand up.
Rather than carrying heavy shopping, shop online, or ask a friend to help you. If you have a toddler, try not to carry her on one hip, as this puts a strain on your back.
Ask for help with housework, and ask a colleague to help if any tasks at work strain your back. Wear comfortable shoes with broad supporting heels and straps to prevent your feet from slipping about and your ankles from becoming twisted.
Wear the right size of supportive maternity bra. Make sure the straps are wide enough and the cups are big enough to avoid extra strain on your shoulders and ribcage.
At work, and when driving, consider a lumbar support for your chair. Try not to cross your legs, and check that the position of your computer screen and chair is correct. Try to move away from your desk regularly and get fresh air at lunchtime.
What tips can I try to ease lower back pain?
If you exercise regularly it is fine to continue, but be aware of how your body responds. Take it more gently, sip plenty of water, and don't become overheated(RCOG 2006).
Gentle exercise, such as walking and stretching, may relieve your stiffness and pain. But don't force yourself to keep walking if you feel pain, as you could strain your ligaments further.
You could try swimming, but avoid the breaststroke, unless your face is completely in the water, as this may place strain on your back and neck. Yoga, tai chi or relaxation classes may be helpful. Be sure to tell your instructor that you are pregnant.
Gentle massage can ease backache, but the effects tend to be temporary. If your partner gives you a massage, don't let him massage deeply in the dimples either side of your lower spine. These are acupuncture points which may stimulate contractions.
If you have sciatica, don't massage directly over the affected area until the true cause is known, or it may make the condition worse.
Relaxing in a warm bath with no more than two or three drops of lavender or ylang ylang essential oils may help to ease your muscle pain. However, lavender oil should be used only occasionally in your first trimester, as it may stimulate contractions (Cavanagh and Wilkinson 2002).
A warm (but not hot) water bottle, or a compress may help. Soak a cloth in warm water which contains two or three drops of oil, and place it on the small of your back.
If the pain is made worse because of injury or strain, gently rub arnica cream into the area. Or try:
Herbal remedies
Herbal remedies for backache, such as devil's claw, should be used with extreme caution in pregnancy, as there's not enough evidence that they are safe (Gagnier et al 2004, Ernst et al 2006).
If you exercise regularly it is fine to continue, but be aware of how your body responds. Take it more gently, sip plenty of water, and don't become overheated(RCOG 2006).
Gentle exercise, such as walking and stretching, may relieve your stiffness and pain. But don't force yourself to keep walking if you feel pain, as you could strain your ligaments further.
You could try swimming, but avoid the breaststroke, unless your face is completely in the water, as this may place strain on your back and neck. Yoga, tai chi or relaxation classes may be helpful. Be sure to tell your instructor that you are pregnant.
Gentle massage can ease backache, but the effects tend to be temporary. If your partner gives you a massage, don't let him massage deeply in the dimples either side of your lower spine. These are acupuncture points which may stimulate contractions.
If you have sciatica, don't massage directly over the affected area until the true cause is known, or it may make the condition worse.
Relaxing in a warm bath with no more than two or three drops of lavender or ylang ylang essential oils may help to ease your muscle pain. However, lavender oil should be used only occasionally in your first trimester, as it may stimulate contractions (Cavanagh and Wilkinson 2002).
A warm (but not hot) water bottle, or a compress may help. Soak a cloth in warm water which contains two or three drops of oil, and place it on the small of your back.
If the pain is made worse because of injury or strain, gently rub arnica cream into the area. Or try:
- Nux vomica, 30c strength, if the pain is aching, dragging and bruise-like, if you have constipation, are irritable, and refuse to give in to the pain.
- Sepia, if you feel run down, exhausted, feel worse when bending or sitting, but better if you walk about.
Herbal remedies
Herbal remedies for backache, such as devil's claw, should be used with extreme caution in pregnancy, as there's not enough evidence that they are safe (Gagnier et al 2004, Ernst et al 2006).
Which complementary therapies could help me?
The Alexander technique may help to teach you how to use and move your body in a more efficient way.
Reflex zone therapy is based on similar principles to osteopathy and may help to ease the pain. Or try reflexology from a practitioner who is qualified to treat pregnant women (Tiran 2009).
Acupuncture may improve back and pelvic pain in pregnancy, though more research is needed (Lund et al 2006, Pennick and Young 2007). Osteopathy or chiropractic may ease your back pain and relieve other problems you may be having, such asheartburn or headaches (Lisi 2006, Kleman 2010).
If you suffer from back pain, sciatica and leg pain you may also be experiencing depression and anxiety. But it can be hard to tell whether the pain causes the depression or the depression contributes to the pain (Field et al 2006). Either way, you need help if you are in pain, and feeling very low. Talk to your midwife for support. Some of the complementary therapies featured in this article, by tending to your emotional needs, may also help to make you feel better.
Reflex zone therapy is based on similar principles to osteopathy and may help to ease the pain. Or try reflexology from a practitioner who is qualified to treat pregnant women (Tiran 2009).
Acupuncture may improve back and pelvic pain in pregnancy, though more research is needed (Lund et al 2006, Pennick and Young 2007). Osteopathy or chiropractic may ease your back pain and relieve other problems you may be having, such asheartburn or headaches (Lisi 2006, Kleman 2010).
If you suffer from back pain, sciatica and leg pain you may also be experiencing depression and anxiety. But it can be hard to tell whether the pain causes the depression or the depression contributes to the pain (Field et al 2006). Either way, you need help if you are in pain, and feeling very low. Talk to your midwife for support. Some of the complementary therapies featured in this article, by tending to your emotional needs, may also help to make you feel better.
Copy paste sebijik from here :D
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Monday, 2 April 2012
++ Its time for Chatime
Craving for this recently..
Its good + Healthy + Tasty + near by to my office :)
Choc Hazel wif Jelly ----> sgt suka...
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
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