My Zone

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+++ blogging for fun | No harms No hurt feeling | Its just my open diary and some personal thought and phase of life to be share +++ Do Love my Job , Fams, Peep and of course My Life!!! Im nothing without one of it..

Monday, 18 March 2013

Randome Sunday

This was taken on yesterday at Serendah Waterfall.. Snapped by hubby's colleague.

Been there after 'Makan kenduri' hubby's fren at Bukit Beruntung.

Most likey this pic bcoz after snap the pic he said 'Nampok kuruh pulok bini mu' (Kelantanese) Me, al-persaanton.. Hikkk

Meaning that all this while I iz nampak gemoks la yerr.. -_____-


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Saturday, 9 March 2013

Forced to be a workaholic

What a sentence.... LoL

I can say Im type of a workaholic staff....... before..... Now, I cant put my self to the words "Workaholic".
Well, since became a wife, a mommy I really had to divide my self to balance between work, family and my self.

Hence, working in Project Base need me to really buy my family and my leisure time. Sometimes I felt like I was FORCED to be a workaholic.

UAT (User Acceptance Test) is damn near.. next week tuu.. we were been chased to the dateline. As part of the team I'm also responsible to work over over over the time. (dah la tak leh claim OT... chaiitt)

As my husband also one kind of busy man, so i cant rely on him to look our baby if im working on weekend. So that i have to bring baby to office. Pity you baby, Sorry Sayang.. Ibu have a big responsibility on my duty. You will understand this once you in my place one day. Perhaps...

Aunty Mak tok was the first person whose sambut Maira... She loves you baby..

Alahai.. manja nya ngn Mak tok..
Minum susu... Opiss Ibu ni cejukk la..

 Had our lunch at Homst, Kd.

Duduk gaya samseng kampung dusun..  :)

Below picture was snapped at the show house, went there before hubby sent us to my office.
M residence at Rawang. Hubby said, this to motivate me from stress during work..

Super love the family area.. dream dream dream

The Home deco made us Mad maddy maddest huhu

There were suppose a sign "Please Do Not Sit here"... No Im Not.. hehe

After all, im still need to finish my work.. so what the hell im doing with this blog... Ok , Just to release some tense burden in my head..

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Sunday with Luv

Let's back dated to last last last weekend Sunday 20th Jan 2013, a month ago..

Woke up late!! No need to cook, went to wedding invitation and had our lunch there. What a beautiful lazy Sunday..

Tak yah nak beautiful sgt la keh..

Went to wedding ceremony of my colleague's nephew at Hulu Langat. The special things about the wedding was :

1) They were very young couples. Both is 24 years old.
2) The bride and the groom was a neighbor. Ni kes bercinta main ketuk botol ler ni. kih kih kih
3) We met Abon Maharaja Lawak there and my fren asked him a stupid question...

       "Eh Abon.... Kenapa tak masuk maharajalawak mega tahun ni...?? "

Me?? what??

Speechless... Rasa macam x nak ngaku membe.. Adoiii, kumpulan Abon(Sabon) baru je terkeluar masa tu. Noob!!! Kot ye pon tak follow MLM tak yah la tanya soalan dengan muka confident camtu. Nasib baik si Abon cuma tersenyum sungging dan berlalu pergi.

My lil' Aisyah Humaira wif her aunty mak tok and aunty Nura... 

My Colleague.. see.. budak pantang tgk camera tu.. 


aktiviti wajib dalam kerete.... Tidoooo...

Me and Husband dah lama planned nak cukur rambut baby since rambut dia tak tumbuh2 sejak cukur rambut masa umur 2 minggu. So, petang tu menggunakan 'Gillete Mash3 Smooth shave' we all memulakan operasi mencukur kepala baby.. she was very good and behave.. senang je Ibu and Abi mengerjakan kepala dia..

 and.... presenting....

Aisyah Humairah wif kepala mutak... lantas ibu pon ada lagu baru utk maira...

    "Utak.. utak... ichinnn..." (Sila nyanyi dengan nada manja2 miow ok..)

muka budak mutak with bedak sejuk...
Bedak sejuk ni bertujuan supaya baby merasa sejuk dan selesa after cukur rambut tadi..

Si galak happily wif her kepala butak....

Last snap for the day... she fall asleep finally.. 

Tak sabar nak tunggu rambut baby lebat... Ibu excited nak pakaikan sepit rambut yang comey2... hikkk


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Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Get well soon Baby!!

Since being a mother, a lot of thing need to be consider. From as small as thing until the biggest one and major. All need to be balance within work, family, life style and so on.

Last few weeks I was in some unhappy situation when my baby was not feeling well. My little girl was suffering of Diarrhea. On her very young age, as a mother of course I'm the most worried one. Every time she's poo poo can see from her eyes how's suffer it was. This has been continuously for about two weeks. In a day at least 5 times. I don't mind how many diapers need to be used, and really don't care to sacrify my beauty night and sweet dream to woke up at 3 am to change diapers as long as my little girl will be comfort.

I live in chaos mind. Every second in office I'm worried how she was. My baby sitter must felt very annoyed as I keep calling and ask her my baby condition. But, believe me, I don't care.

My very strong little girl, she keep smiling and giggling even she was suffering from Diarrhea.


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
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