This was a day picnic among colleagues. We have planned this in about 2 weeks before the events. Because we were super duper busy as the UAT is damn near. (release stress kononnya)
Chamang Waterfall (I was never heard this place before.. booo!!!) thanks mr. gugle bg info..
Located near to Bentong, Pahang. You can reached there by taking the road from Bentong to Raub. After leaving Bentong town for a kilometer on the way to Raub, take the left turn towards the direction of the Chinese cemetery, there is a junction. After about 10 km you will reach the Reacreation Park.
That day was not a public holiday time, so the place is not so cramp or maybe because we all reached there quite early, around 10 am. So we were free to choose our parking space.
The first thing that caught my eyes was the paved path and the suspension bridge.
and also the very beautiful scenery of the waterfall... feeling so fresh...
As we went there with a big group, in about 10 pax. we did everything together. from the looking for 'lepak port', pasang khemah, hidupkan bara api for bbq. Me? I just carry my baby and smile :)
The scenary, our 'lepaking' port
Found nice and suitable place for 'lepak'. baby girl sgt behaved, tak meragam pon langsung. Mom pon happy :)) Lets start build the tent...
and also kelambu penghindar nyamuk jahat utk my baby little one... Nyenyak sgt dia tidur, ibu and bergembira bersuka ria dapat chance terjun mandi manda.. I would like to recommend this 'Kelambu' when u bring kiddos to this place. Tapi sekali dah masuk dalam tu dok la diam2 jgn kau keluar masuk.. nyamuk pon ikot kuar masuk... teeheee..
Walaupon dah duduk dalam kelambu untuk langkah keselamatan supaya lebih effective.. ibu pakaikan juga ayang ibu ni 'Mosquito repellent'.. yg hijau kat kaki tu.. memang berkesan, satu gigitan nyamuk pon tak ada.
Encik suami menunjukkan kepakarannya.. teeheee.. mmg susah nak hidup tak tau la sebab apa.
Yang lain nengok aje... kih kih
Yang kami lak posing sokmo.. cheesee
Kesayangan hamba - wan marziah.
Dua org yg kesayangan hamba juga Kak Nura & Kak Sham (ketua kelas) hihihi
Dalam jam 4.30 lebih kurang we olls berkemas-kemas dan beredar dari port melepak dan menuju kehaluan masing-masing. Tetiba hujan selebat-lebatnya time tu. Nasib Ibu sempat bawa Ayang masuk kereta masa hujan rintik-rintik baru.
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